5 Things to Do Now to Make Your Estate Simpler for Your Heirs

By  Cheryl Winokur Munk No one likes to think about their own demise, but planning can make life after your death significantly easier for heirs. Here are five ways to help heirs avoid extra time, money, stress and acrimony after you pass: Keep documents updated Having a will or living trust is essential—but it isn’t…

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Ways To Lessen Financial Stress in Retirement: Because everyone wants to gain greater peace of mind in their golden years

For many retirees, financial stability can be a challenge, especially in times of rising costs and economic uncertainty. Fortunately, there are several strategies and programs that older adults can leverage to ease financial pressures. Here’s a look at some key ways retirees can reduce financial stress and make the most of available resources. 1. Medicare…

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Thinking About Naming a Trust as a Beneficiary? Know the nuances to ensure that your plan aligns with your financial goals

A critical part of estate planning is deciding how to distribute your retirement assets, such as IRAs or 401(k)s. One option is to name a trust as the beneficiary of these accounts, which can offer benefits in terms of control and protection. However, this decision also comes with potential tax implications and administrative complexities. It’s…

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