5 Things to Do Now to Make Your Estate Simpler for Your Heirs

By  Cheryl Winokur Munk No one likes to think about their own demise, but planning can make life after your death significantly easier for heirs. Here are five ways to help heirs avoid extra time, money, stress and acrimony after you pass: Keep documents updated Having a will or living trust is essential—but it isn’t…

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Thinking About Naming a Trust as a Beneficiary? Know the nuances to ensure that your plan aligns with your financial goals

A critical part of estate planning is deciding how to distribute your retirement assets, such as IRAs or 401(k)s. One option is to name a trust as the beneficiary of these accounts, which can offer benefits in terms of control and protection. However, this decision also comes with potential tax implications and administrative complexities. It’s…

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Famous Estate Planning Blunders

By Elaine Floyd, CFP ® Celebrities have enough money to hire the best estate planning lawyers. You would think celebrities, of all people, should have ironclad estate plans that keep their affairs private, leave money and possessions to the people they love and the charities they care about, and take advantage of legal ways to avoid…

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The Unique Advantages of Special Needs Trusts: A vital solution for your loved ones without jeopardizing their public benefits

A Special Needs Trust (SNT) is a crucial financial tool designed to benefit individuals who rely on needs-based public assistance. These trusts enable beneficiaries to maintain their eligibility for public benefits while receiving additional financial support from an inheritance. For clients with dependents or loved ones who receive public benefits, an SNT can offer peace…

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Warren Buffett Gives Us a Preview of His Will

By  Karen Langley (WSJ) Warren Buffett has refined his plans for giving away one of the great fortunes of the modern era. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Buffett—the chairman and chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway BRK.B -0.42%decrease; red down pointing triangle—said that after his death nearly all of his remaining wealth will go to a new…

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A Qualified Terminable Interest Property Trust: A useful tool in your estate planning toolbox that you might not know about

A Qualified Terminable Interest Property (QTIP) trust is a specialized, irrevocable trust designed to provide for a surviving spouse while maintaining control over the ultimate distribution of assets. Commonly used in comprehensive estate planning, a QTIP trust allows an individual to ensure their spouse is financially supported while guaranteeing that the assets eventually pass to…

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Estate planning for your digital assets

What will happen to your Facebook account when you die? What about all your photos shared on social media, your texts with loved ones, or documents on cloud-storage systems? In just the two-year period from 2012 to 2014, humans produced more data than in all of human civilization before that – and the pace is…

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Dividing Your Estate: A Practical Approach

When planning the division of your assets, you may believe in a policy of “share and share alike.” This is perhaps the easiest method to avoid conflicts or complaints of favoritism. But does equality necessarily equate with fairness? Especially when you consider such factors as age, talents, skills, interests, needs, and degrees of material success.…

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