Long-Term Care Facilities: Types and Costs: Learn about the different types of long-term care facilities, how much they cost and how they can help your loved one.

By Lisa Esposito and Elaine K. Howley from US News Medically reviewed by Michael Tehrani, MD Most older adults end up needing some form of care later in life. Getty Images According to the Administration for Community Living, someone who’s turning 65 today has an almost 70% chance of needing long-term care during their remaining years. About 20% of those…

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Home-Health-Care Factors for You to Consider: Tips for finding the best fit in caregivers to ensure quality care and comfort

Are you thinking about home health care as a solution to providing help with daily activities such as bathing, meal preparation, and housekeeping? Many older individuals benefit from receiving assistance in the comfort of their own homes, allowing them to maintain their independence longer. But, before you agree to at-home care, carefully consider all the…

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Jump Starting the LTC Conversation This Summer: When we turn 65, there will be a 70% chance of needing some type of LTC

Talking about long-term-care (LTC) can be challenging, and it can be especially difficult to know where to start. How you choose to broach the conversation may depend on your loved one’s personality, age, health status, cognitive function, and religious beliefs. If you don’t know how to break the ice, consider the following strategies to jump-start…

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